I hope your not attracted to minors as if you are you need to seek therapy before you do something youll regret may local health departments offer low to no cost therapy and want to help you not judge

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Nov 2Edited

I absolutely agree about both parties being cults, and especially being based around the rejection or overwhelming acceptance of shame as an identity. I think the book "irreversible damage", creates a useful distinction which separates the recent spike in people who consider themselves trans from people who simply have gender dysphoria. There's several pressures for democrats to take on the affect of an 'oppressed' identity, in order to escape the shame of being an oppressor. In addition to the pressure, believing in the democrat's transgender ideology requires you do more than merely be supportive of people with gender dysphoria. The point is, instead, demonstrating loyalty and submission to the ideology by agreeing with each and every aspect of it, and denying any feelings you have against it, lest you be an 'opressor'.

Gender Dysphoria doesn't mean that you believe you're the other sex, or even gender. That's a recently developed ideology. Instead, it merely describes a feeling of discomfort towards the assumptions people make about you based on your secondary sex characteristics.

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Why would you still vote for Kamala? Write somebody in at least, have some self respect. They sidestepped the democratic process by putting her up, and directly lied about it and Biden's health. That is reprehensible and on its face disqualifies her receiving your vote, IMO. Feeling like you have to vote for one of the cults because the other is worse is exactly what the cults want from you, and is what allows them to persist, IMO.

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Jesus, Max, get off that trans thing already. Those people are perfectly fine, you really don't have anything to add to this discourse. And it should not even be a discourse. Let those people be and leave it at that.

If anyone looks insane, it's the people who just cannot accept transgender people and always come up with some stupid excuses to demonize them and mischaracterise them. That fixation isn't healthy. Find something else.

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The difference being any real person that lives in the real world agrees that this (((californian))) notion that "we're all pink inside" and "trans people are just normal people like you and I" is completely retarded.

You infect every corner of the internet, and media with these dirty (((american))) constructs that are simply not real, and that you yourself don't truly believe in.

Think I don't know how you think? Or what you're thinking?

You forget that each person is NOT unique, we all share the same hardware pool. So even though "everyone is different" we're all different in the same way; and I KNOW, you don't actually believe in any of this satanic trans crap deep down.

Just as I know that the Bible is not to be taken literally. I know Jesus was not literally the son of god, I know miracles aren't physical reality, I know he didn't actually rise from the dead.

And yet, I'll speak as if those things are true, because the myth is more important than reality in some cases. Aesthetics, Moods, and how something feels; usually matters more, when it comes to culture, as something concrete. We think in terms of stories, and narratives. And the trans narrative, to any real person, feels: Disgusting, Evil, Inhuman, and Manufactured.

You wouldn't work out the physics to how Santa delivers presents to every child so fast, because that's not the point. And by making it real, you're diluting the meaning of the story.

Just as I'm not gonna write a Reddit essay about how God is actually not real and you should read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins instead, because that's missing the point so spectacularly that it would be too cringe to live with.

If you wanna be a complete faggot, and do meta conversations all day; you can be like those people who ask Jordan Peterson if he thinks God is actually real.

Here's the wholesome scientific reddit answer for you: Yeah, probably not.

What does that do? What a pointless answer to a pointless question. "Do you think Yoda was ACTUALLY a real jedi master?"

Shit man, I guess not, it's a story so it wasn't really anything at all. You got me there!

Point being, cut the "objective" crap, you have no standing; just like everyone else, when it comes to the objectivity of being a troon.

There is no "Leaving people alone" when they're ACTIVELY fighting the human spirit with their anti-life, satanic ideology.

And this anti-narrative you've bought into, is the metaphor your kind uses for hating yourself, your body, your mortality.

You hate your biology so much and the fact that you're "just meat" (as if that's not enough, disgusting egomaniacs) that you desperately cling to anything that tells you different. "Don't worry! Hate how ugly, balding, indian men stare at your breasts? Just cut them off! Then you don't have to worry about it!"

You know these people are not actually "The opposite gender" that sentence means nothing. You're all just gay, retarded, and afraid of everything because you grew up on the streets of Roblox instead of your nice neighbourhood. So you purposefully make yourselves the most repelling creatures on earth, that way you don't have to deal with anyone.

It's not really hidden, why do you all gravitate towards gay neon sci-fi, and cyberpunk; While attributing classical fantasy to NAZIS and rightoids?

Because in the former, body modification is made mundane, and through it you can shape your own destiny, and maybe not be such a loser.

While in the latter, I guess women know their place, and you're bound by some prophecy.

Why do you WANT to be part of a "community"? Why do you WANT "safe-spaces"? If not because you're deathly afraid of conflict, because it reminds you that you're a weak pathetic loser; who in any real sense would not be able to defend itself from physical confrontation, so you try to hijack culture, and speech. Who does that remind you of?

So no "Patryk", those people are not perfectly fine. No one that hates being human, that rejects myth, feels no pride in being a member of our great race, that feels no obligation towards fulfilling their role to the best of their abilities. No person like that is "fine"

Being trans is evil. Hiding behind empathy is evil. Speaking of love, pride, and fulfillment when referring to something perverse: Is evil. Lying about how "you just have a different moral system", as if we're not all human.

Just stop lying, everyone knows exactly how everyone feels, and what we think. You're just too much of a pussy to actually be honest.

You are a golem. And both you and your makers should pay for it.

Whatever ill will exists towards you people today, was earned, and is righteous.

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If you could help clear this up for me then I think I can't disagree with you:

1. I always hear that we need to stop coddling people and make them learn how to live in the real world. My first instinct is that since not all children come out of an abusive household stronger then there must be more differences between people then soft & hard. Also the real world isn't only full of aggressive assholes so what kind of people are we talking about because I think there's more then just red & blue people.

2. Yes we are all human beings so we usually have male or female hardware & although I am very much for adults only sections of just about everything, (especially cosmetic surgery) I still think we're using a weak arguments if it's about any permanent augmentation.

3. Hating your biology is not the same as hating unwanted attention & so some women don't cut off their tit's but do wear less revealing clothing in response which is kind of leading to my last point.

4. Anti safe space sounds like you should be able to yell whatever you want at anybody anytime but we don't allow that in many "safe spaces" for many reasons. Children crying when a stranger yells at them instead of acting aggressively too does not make that child a pussy just like an adult who walks away from a fight is not automatically weak. There should be safe spaces for whoever needs it, America Isrealis & American Palestinians & American Nazis. Just quit trying to mix the kids and adult sections. Can you help me see where I'm wrong?

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You 100% sound like a cult member. A militant one at that. Get help.

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Ya Max, how dare you care about children being mutilated by adults, and suggest therapy instead. Jerk.

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Who said anything about kids? I think transitioning should be 18+ for everyone.

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I agree with you. Trans kids being given medical interventions and/or surgeries is all I care about being stopped at all costs. Its abuse beyond measure.

Adults should be able to do what they want, and then accept the opinions of other adults who do not agree with them. Like how Max's opinions, for example, should be accepted and heard without adults telling him to not share them.

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Then maybe you shouldn't have called me a jerk, Peter.

And problem with Max's opinion is that if he gets his way, those adult trans people will not be able to transition. But if they do transition, he gets to keep his opinion. See the problem?

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I called Max a jerk, not you.

I don't recall Max ever wanting to make adult transitions illegal, but I could be wrong. Has he said he would prefer making adult transitions illegal? It should be treated as any other elective plastic surgery. Freedom to mutilate out own bodies if we so choose.

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Unless he changed his mind, that was his stance. And that is something I will never accept: restricting other people's rights just because they make you icky. Max thinks that makes me a cult member. Nonsensical.

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Given the content of the essay, you must understand that your plea is falling on deaf ears because you are clearly in the liberal cult.

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I have never been in any cult, I just like to educate myself on things so I won't make some mistakes. I have been studying and observing all things related to transgender people for over thirty years now, so I like to think I kinda know a thing or two about that. And I know they are just normal people that deserve to be accepted as such. No fucking cult here. You people are fixated on that issue, and that's a cult behavior, not mine.

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No different from a biblical scholar studying scripture and its history and proclaiming that it's all real.

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How it is no different? There is no belief in it, only observation and gaining knowledge. How else is anyone supposed to know anything about transgender people? What is YOUR source of information? And how can you know if it's objective or only some transphobic propaganda?

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My source of information is having a dick. Anyone who wants to cut theirs off is not "perfectly fine."

Its no different because you sound insane.

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Congratulations. You are talking to your penis. Probably because it's the only thing dumb enough to want to interact with you. Your hand, to be exact.

I'd rather stick to reading scientific papers published by neurologists, geneticists, embriologists and endocrynologists, thanks.

Plus, vaginoplasty isn't even about "cutting your dick off". Maybe read about a subject a little before you start spouting nonsensical claims.

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I'd guess he means that its no different because you educating yourself on transgender people is equivalent to educating yourself on Christian people, for example. Trans people are as real as Christian people. Both are just humans with ideologies they base their feelings and behaviors off of. You educating yourself on trans people and issues is the same as someone educating themselves on Christians and Christian issues. Educate yourself all you want about the people, it says nothing about the validity of underlying ideology though.

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This is the dumbest analogy I have ever seen.

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No one self-identifies as being in a cult. And cults are always going to be defined subjectively. Imagine if everyone on earth were Christian--there wouldn't even be a word for it.

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A major aspect of cults is their use of thought terminating cliches; Shortcuts to avoid reflection that could change your mind. Of course, you don't have time to consider everything someone says, but it's worth considering even ideas from cultists if they're suggesting something original

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Nothing in my worldview is cult like.

I don't have a cult figure, I don't have rituals, I don't attend regular meetings with exclusively like minded people, I don't feel obligated to say anything that's not my opinion already, I don't feel the need to purge someone from my life because of a difference of opinion. And what's more important, nobody told me to have opinions like I do. They were slowly formed over three decades of my own reading, researching, watching documentaries, not to mention knowing transgender people in real life, warts and all. It didn't happen overnight, because someone "recruited" me. I don't have the need to belong to anything, I'm my own person.

You don't possess the power to determine if something is a cult just because you say so. You have this fixated, obsessive, narrow mindset of "you're a trans ally = cult", which is simply incorrect. You are slapping the cult label on people willy-nilly, just because they happen to accept a demographic group you deem ill.

And what is really sad, you will get more and more angry with time, as trans people will be more and more widely accepted and understood over the following years, and you will get more and more radicalised and unhappy, and you will be doing all this to yourself. It's on you, Max. And there's really no good reason to do it.

It really worries me that you look at it this way. You are capable of so much more.

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The framing around shame helped me better understand Trump supporters. I'm personally quite sensitive to feelings of shame, so I can see how a brazenly shameless candidate can be quite compelling.

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interesting essay

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Very good article. I'd be curious to know what you think the solution to the trans thing is anyway though. I bashfully admit I have not watched all your content, anything more about your opinions on transgenderism to share?

My father raised us to believe that gender does not exsist, only sex. Therefore gender roles need not be adopted since they are not necessary for survival, AND transgender males and female are just people who wish they were the other sex. They should work to accept who they are, but if they cannot and the distress is too heavy, relief should be given by changing their bodies. He always votes republican, does not believe its a cult, and believes the liberals are all fucking insane.

I myself now describe myself as "A male who wishes he was female" and am beginning a pursuit to live a double life. I have attained many friends, jobs, and a few lovers as the result of my demographic and essentially pretty privilege. I look like a competent and intelligent, and very handsome man. I have benefited from that, am grateful, and have a good life... but I'd just really really like to be a woman. I've thought about this for years now, even a few times during childhood, brushing off the idea because i knew my parents wouldn't let me be a girl, and I for some reason, assumed that I would eventually be reborn as a woman. I no longer subconsciously believe in reincarnation.

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That means you are probably a transwoman and transitioning would most likely give you the satisfaction and fulfillment you seek and deserve. It may not be your way though, that's always a possibility, but it's worth trying. Temporary social transitioning is the best way to do it for most people. Nothing irreversible about it.

Just don't do two things: don't go too quickly for some permanent changes, and don't ever agree to any form of conversion therapy (or "exploratory therapy" as they stealthily like to call it these days). Especially that second one can mess you up for life.

Other than that, good luck to you. Life is your oyster. Be yourself.

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You mean, what do I think the solution is to men fantasizing about being women? I don't think fantasies always have to be resolved--in fact, fantasizing itself may be the solution.

I also think the desire for a double life, as you call it, is a large part of the draw for trans people. They want to escape their lives, and trans ideology provides cover and support for creating a new identity.

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We're emotional beings first and rational beings second. And for many the latter is only a very thin layer - and even for the most lucid of us it may still be less than 50%.

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but i am insane :l

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